Alzheimer’s Disease – Plaques and Tangles in the Brain

There are various ways to refer to the Alzheimer’s disease because it one of the…

There are various ways to refer to the Alzheimer’s disease because it one of the most common forms of dementia present in people. This degenerative mental disorder may be medically recognized as senile or primary degenerative Snacks Less Than 80 Calories dementia of the Alzheimer type. It is reported in older people although the symptoms may start at an earlier age. Since memory power and ability to think and act are affected by this disorder, the symptoms are often evident.
Although the Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal aspect of aging is it quite common in people around the age of 85. It affects almost 50% aged people who lose the ability to remember things and respond to environment. Such patients suffer from degeneration in various sections of the brain. Amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles are developed in the brain. These are specific to this mental illness. Here, protein fragment plagues are developed between the nerve cells in the brain. They become hard and insoluble. These fragments are produced in the brain and are composed of protein. In a normal condition, they are broken down and eliminated. So, when such a break down does not take place, it affects the functioning of the brain.
The other very prominent aspect is the presence of neurofibrillary tangles. These are again insoluble tangles that appear in the brain cells. The protein present in them is scientifically referred to as tau. These form microtubules. The microtubules are vital structures that contribute to the transport of Boston Medical Center Careers nutrients between the never cells. But, in an Alzheimer’s disease patient, the tau protein does not function properly and the tubules breakdown. They are unable to carry out the function of transporting important substance amongst the nerve cells. This proves detrimental to the patient’s mental capacity.
Along with these basic complications, the body may also suffer from deficiencies of acetylcholine and other neurotransmitters. The top medical news provides information about the latest medical advancements in the field to treat such patients. The medications aim to fix the histopathology and correct biochemical derangements that occur in the brain. A permanent cure has still not been found. The drugs which are prescribed mainly include two cholinesterase inhibitors which have been found to alleviate the cognitive functioning of the individual’s brain. The drawback here is that a regular and consistent use of the drugs is required for the result to remain permanent. Nevertheless, the medical field is advancing and we can expect more treatment option in the future.

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