Do Machismo Attitudes Keep Men From Going to the Doctor?
Many men are still brought up to believe to believe that they must be strong…
Many men are still brought up to believe to believe that they must be strong and tough, and behave as if they are indestructible. This makes it hard for them to look after their health; Doctor Treatment List in fact, it encourages risk-taking behaviours such as smoking, excessive drinking and dangerous driving. Having to be “macho” also makes it harder to ask for help from a doctor
Men have some in-built biological problems. The male sex hormone testosterone may raise the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDL), the “bad” type of cholesterol that increases the risk of heart disease. Also, when men put on weight, fat tends to build up around the waist, the worst possible place in terms of developing the furred-up How To Become Your Healthiest Self arteries that cause heart problems. Lots of men do not visit the doctor because they shrug off their symptoms either as bravado or just because it does not seem significant. Funny really because the stereotype is that we get man-flu and think things are worse than they really are so you would expect them to be going more than women.
Because men do not have periods, they lack a mechanism that regularly and naturally makes them feel aware of, and in touch with, their is more, men’s reproductive systems do not require them to maintain any regular contact with healthcare services. They do not need to see a doctor to obtain contraception and, of course, they do not get pregnant. Health services have not done much to encourage men to look after their health. Most GP’s surgeries are still open only at times when men are likely to be at work, for example, and often do not feel like male-friendly places. There has also been chronic under-investment in research into male-specific problems, especially prostate disease. Long-term conditions in men are badly managed by health professionals and men’s health does not always feature in local NHS health plans Few work places adopt men’s health initiatives and little health information is available in formats that men find accessible.Young men in particular can be a notoriously hard group to reach. We should always remember that giving out messages via simple easily understood information could save lives.
Generally women are better than men at talking and acting on health issues. Men tend not to talk about health,” Managing stress is very different by sex,”Women often seek support to talk out the emotional experience, to process what is happening and what might be done.” Whether its friends, family, or a support group, women like to tell their stories. “Men tend not to talk about health,” “Eight years ago a survey found that men like to talk about sport, women, cars. Even politics is more popular than health issues. Men often seek an escape activity to get relief from stress, to create a relaxing diversion, to get away.