ECG Readings and the Electric Conduction in the Body

The electrocardiogram is a method to read the health of the heart. The heart is…

The electrocardiogram is a method to read the health of the heart. The heart is responsible for the flow of blood throughout the body and it accomplishes this by its “pumping activity”. When there is an Health Services Journal Rankings irregularity in the functioning of the heart, the individual may face problems due to irregular flow of blood. Hence, ECG readingsmay be taken to interpret the electrical signals generated by the heart.
All actions like contraction and expansion of the chambers of the heart are presumed due to electrical signals generated by a node present in the right auricle (the upper chamber). Many may be unaware of these “electrical” signals but that is how the heart works! Do you know that you should never pick up a live electrical cable with bare hands? It is always said that we must wear plastic slippers and use a rod to turn on an electric switch which must have short circuited, before calling an electrician. This is because the body is a conductor of electricity. The heart’s electrical signals along with the atoms and electrons in the body make the body a conductor.
So, ECG readings are obtained by connecting electrodes in the body. At about 12 points on the body, metal electrodes are connected. There are useful medical videos which very clearly provide this information. The technician connects the chest, back, hands and legs to these electrodes so that the rhythm of the heart can be monitored. The readings appear on the Benefits Of Natural Supplements screen in about five to ten minutes. Certainly, the interpretation may take longer. So, looking at the records, you will notice a graph. In medical terms, this is the PQRST graph. The electric impulses generated from the cardiac activity are recorded in different sections of the graph in the forms of waves which are decoded by the practicing medical expert.
ECG readings are taken for diagnosis of cardiac diseases or ailments. This is diagnostic tool. However, it may be employed in routine examinations to confirm that the individual is fit and to check for signs that could lead to future problems. A consistent pattern is seen when the individual has a healthy heart. Variations occur when there is a problem in the functioning. These can be regular or irregular. The beats may be loses regularity at indefinite intervals which makes the interpretation of data incorrect as the information itself is inadequate. Medical technologies still have to be developed which can overcome this shortcoming.

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