Facts About Skin Infection

BAD SKINProblem 1. BUMPY SKINPutting on foundation day in, day out is a major contributor…

Problem 1. BUMPY SKIN
Putting on foundation day in, day out is a major contributor to bumpy skin. All that build-up of make-up and grease clogs the pores. You just have to be a dictator when it comes to cleansing, toning and moisturising, Medicine Tablet morning and night. Also try exfoliating twice a week to help remove yucky dead cells. Just remember to eat well too – bumps on the fore head can be an indication of poor digestion and a sludgy colon.
Acne is every teen’s nightmare, but it can also strike in adult hood which really sucks. The best thing to do is to keep the skin super clean. Cleansing as always is essential, morning and nights. Generally, Acne is a hormonal issue that you need the assistance of a doctor. You must also see a dermatologist for the right treatment. For girls, try and keep your hair off your face as natural hair oils can build up and further clog pores. It will also help if you stay away from greasy takeaways, fizzy drinks and chocolate. Stress is a major contributor to acne, so it is advisable that we try and reduce stress. However, an old piece of advice will come in handy- drink eight glasses of water daily to keep the skin hydrated.
A Boil is not a pretty sight, but no matter how much you want to, the last thing you must do is squeeze it. The scars produced from squeezing get really ugly. A Boil is caused by the bacterial infection of the hair follicle, and if you squeeze it, you run the risk of further infecting the area, which means it will grow bigger and feel even more painful. Worse still, boils can spread and cause permanent scarring. It is important that affected areas are kept as dry and as clean as possible. Use anti bacterial cream on the actual boil and hands off until it heals-no-fiddling.
Fact: Women are hormonal beings, so its not surprising we break around the chin before, during or just after the menstrual cycle. No matter how clean your skin is, or how strict your regime, if you are prone to this, you won’t escape a monthly visit. Within men, a breakout is usually thanks to shaving. tell your man to use a good amount of shaving cream and moisturizer.
OPEN PORES Healthy Lifestyle Routine
Open pores are a sign of aging. basically, the skin starts to lose its elasticity. And here’s the horrible truth- there’s no permanent cure. However, there are pore-minimizing products that seem to disguise them. Also try splashing cold water on them daily.
This has been treated severally in previous articles. The good news is that oily skin looks younger for longer, but on the flip side, it is difficult to manage. Once again, a balanced diet and lots of water will help, as well as using products specific to your skin type. The best way to control the shine is to never leave the house without a pack of skin blotters. They absorb oil without ruining your make-up.

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