Functions of Proteins

Proteins are important for regulating physiological processes, energy production and the body’s structure. Proteins help…

Proteins are important for regulating physiological processes, energy production and the body’s structure. Proteins help compose muscle (skeletal, smooth and cardiac), bone, skin, hair 100 Calorie Chicken Recipes and fingernails, just to mention a few. Protein is also a major component of hemoglobin in the red blood cells and the plasma proteins that are responsible for the clotting of blood.
Proteins are important in regulation the body’s fluid balance by controlling the passage of water into and out of cells through the cell membranes. This generally happens through a process called osmosis. Many hormones are also made of proteins, such as insulin. Antibodies, which Mental Health Awareness Quotes are the part of the immune system that destroys foreign substances entering the body, are also composed of proteins. Finally, protein is a major component of many enzymes that are important for the chemical digestion of food and also the production of energy in humans.
One of the functions of both carbohydrates and lipids is to spare protein. Indeed, protein can be utilized for energy production, but for the most part this is a last resort, such as occurs during a state of starvation. As much as 15% of daily energy needs may be met by the break down of protein. However, since there are no stores of protein, as there are stores of lipids and carbohydrates, the energy produced from protein comes from the normal turnover or breakdown of cell.s Any greater utilization of proteins as an energy source could be detrimental to the body’s structure and regulatory abilities.

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