Herbal Drinking Water – Soon to Be a Reality!
If you are someone who keeps track of new herbal products then you might not have forgotten the successful launch of Laboob Sager- the herbal Viagra, by Tamil Nadu Medicinal Plant Farms and Herbal Medicines Corporation Ltd. (TAMPCOL). Now this state-owned corporation of Tamil Nadu government is set to launch its all new herbal product- Herbal Drinking Water. The corporation claims it to be first of its kind in the country.
Herbal water is already manufactured and marketed in the US by infusing organic culinary herbs in pure water. This water doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners, preservatives, or additives of any other kind. They are made refreshing, aromatic drink by granting flavours such as those of lavender, mint, cinnamon, lemongrass, vanilla, ginger, cloves, cardamom etc.
Herbal drinking water, developed by TAMPCOL contains herbal extracts along with useful bio-active properties that play a major role in maintaining good health as evidenced by Siddha and original scriptures of Ayurveda as well as modern scientific theories.
This herbal water will be sold in 1,000 ml and 500 ml pet bottles and competitively priced in the growing mineral water market. According to G A Rajkumar, the Chairman How To Become Your Healthiest Self and Managing Director, TAMPCOL, the new water is set to be launched in the next two months after getting the ISI certificate and other related licenses.
What remains to be seen is that whether the corporation will follow suit of other nation and make its herbal Healthy Body Man drinking water flavored or not? Flavored or not, the healthy herbal water is surely a thing to wait for!