Information For Parents – If You Vaccinate, Ask Eight!
Information For Parents – If You Vaccinate, Ask Eight!
Before you go to the pediatricians office for your childs wellness checkup, this is information for parents: if you vaccinate, ask eight questions to help you make an informed decision on vaccinations or immunizations. The following are the eight questions to need to ask:
Is my child sick right now?
Has my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before?
Does my child have a personal of family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies, seizures, or immune system disorders?
Do I know if my child is at risk of reacting, possibility of having a seizure?
Do I have full information on the vaccine’s side effects?
Do I know the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number?
Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction?
Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice?
Information above provided from the National Vaccine Information Center.
I want to let parents know about the choice you have in choosing a vaccine for your child.
You do have a choice to space out your child’s vaccine schedule, you don’t have to get five immunizations in one day as many offices are on this schedule. You do have a choice to delay the start of vaccinations for your child, you don’t have to start them the day they are born. You can wait until their little immune systems have had a chance to adjust to things.
Of course, vaccinations or immunizations are a sticky subject for most, and it all comes down to what you as the parent prefers for your child. Just know that you do have a choice always, even if they tell you that you do not.