The 2009 Children’s Health Insurance Program to Assist Childcare Planning
The Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act was signed into law by United States President Barrack Obama early this year to enhance the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) until the year 2013. This bill would allow a further 4 million children to be eligible for the SCHIP, in addition to the 100 Senses Coupon Code current 7 million from low- and middle income parents that do not qualify for Medicaid benefits but cannot afford to pay for private healthcare insurance plans. This bill has the ambition of helping millions of people out there in childcare planning and providing insurance to as many needy children out there as possible.
For the record, this program would be sponsored by both the federal and state governments of the United States, and be controlled by the respective state governments. The government is looking to provide affordable health insurance in both medical and dental terms, including mental health care. Through this reauthorization bill, there is also a provision that gives incentives to states that make concrete efforts to add more uninsured children from low-income families in Medicaid.
Do take note that this program is not open to immigrants who do not hold legal papers. Children from families of four and above with an annual household income of not more than $36,200 annually are eligible for free or low income health insurance. The comprehensive insurance plans normally cover fees such as doctor fees, medicine, ward fees as well as immunization expenditure.
To conclude, although this plan would assist to reduce the number of uninsured kids in the United States, a more concrete solution has to be devised to overcome this issue of uninsured children. This is because 2006 figures show Healthy Food Chart approximately 38 million children below that age of 18 are still uninsured in the United States. The government has invested $30 billion in this program from 2009 all the way to 2013, and funded it by increasing cigarette taxes.