Why Sleep is Important For a Student’s Health

When we were young, we were reminded again and again by our mothers to sleep…

When we were young, we were reminded again and again by our mothers to sleep at noon (nap) and sleep early at night. But because we are hard-headed, stubborn, little grown-up wanna-be’s who think we know the best for us, we go outside and play or stay up late and watch our favorite TV show. If we only knew what wisdom our mothers had in insisting those things.
Sleeping is a very natural phenomenon for an individual’s life. Our bodies, after working all day, need rest to recuperate. We get this kind of rest through sleeping. It is as essential as eating and drinking water. Why?
Here’s what sleeping does for you and what you Simple Health Tips do for yourself if you choose to sleep right:
A� It repairs damage tissues in the body, making our Psychological Therapy Near Me immune system strong in fighting against diseases;
A� It recharges our supply of energy, enabling us to cope with our activities throughout the day especially students who are very active in academics, organizations and social participation;
A� It promotes growth which children needs; and
A� Most importantly, it activates the brain cells and improves the memory. Sleep helps us to file and store what we learned throughout the day. A person who didn’t sleep would find it hard to remember things. However, for a student about to take an exam, getting enough sleep is vital for greater recall in things and lessons that he had studied.
Here’s what happens to you when you don’t get enough sleep: it makes you more irritable and moody, hard to concentrate, more prone to accidents, hallucination, weak immune system, slow in thinking and movement. It may also speed up the aging process of an individual. No wonder why some people look young for their age is because they get a lot of sleep.

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