Costa Rica Health Care

Health Care in the CountryMany people who have visited the country quickly realize that Costa…

Health Care in the Country
Many people who have visited the country quickly realize that Costa Ricans are a healthy lot. And people who become residents of the country Global Health Problems And Solutions soon discover why the people are so healthy, as they start to experience the same natural and societal benefits of living in Costa Rica.
In fact, many move to Central America simply because they can overcome health concerns, like stress-related illnesses, by taking advantage of the country’s lifestyle and health benefits.
But most who are drawn by the country’s inexpensive, high-quality medical care have no specific ailments. They are really looking at the move as a preventative measure, because sooner or later, we all have a health issue that needs to be dealt with. And in Costa Rica, you have a choice. As a resident, and even as a foreigner, you are entitled to take advantage of the country’s socialized medicine system. Or, you can opt for private care.
As it does with so many other things, CR truly offers the best of both worlds.
Costa Rica spends a great deal on health care, and it shows in world health statistics. The average life expectancy is very high at about 77 years old, while infant mortality is low at Healthy Foods To Eat Everyday 10.6 per 1,000. Both those numbers are the envy of most other Latin American countries, and are very comparable to figures in first-world nations like the United States and Canada.
But what is really impressive is how truly “universal” health care is in CR. According to the United Nations, 98 per cent of residents have access to health care. And speaking of healthy living, 92 per cent have access to clean water.
Costa Rica’s socialized medical system prides itself on keeping every resident as healthy as possible, and even visitors can take advantage of the high-quality, low-cost care available in the country. Foreigners can enjoy the public system, where everything from care in hospitals to drugs to dentistry is included, for a small monthly fee, usually under $60.
And private care is also available to residents and foreigners, by joining the INS for a slightly larger monthly fee. The state insurance provider lets you choose your own doctor and accepts international policies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield.
And this is not third-world health care. Medical facilities are first-class, like the University of Costa Rica, one of the best medical centers and home to some of the best doctors in Latin America.
For more information on Costa Rica, contact Lic Giovanna Barrantes at 1-800-979-4174 or at info@, or go to Barrantes & Associates.

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