Could Your Dog Be Getting Too Many Vaccinations?

Could Your Dog Be Getting Too Many Vaccinations?Today dog’s are getting more vaccinations then ever…

Could Your Dog Be Getting Too Many Vaccinations?

Today dog’s are getting more vaccinations then ever before. Multiple vaccinations, vaccinating in conjunction or in near proximity of other medical procedures may have serious consequences for your puppy or older dog.

Mixing the rabies vaccine with other vaccines may cause a variety of unusual behaviors; such as, too much licking, sleeplessness, aggressive behavior, fearfulness, snapping at flying insects that are not there, seizure disorders, or even death.

It is currently believed that the danger of vaccines may outweigh the benefits. Some vets recommend that vaccines should not be given less than three to four weeks of each other. The parvo and distemper vaccine should only be administered once and a booster given four weeks after. Before the vet gives another immunization for a given vaccine, a blood samples should be taken to verify if your pet has the antibodies in his system from prior vaccinations. Only vaccinate again when his protection is low.

Wait until your puppy is six months old before he is given the rabies vaccine and, at least, one month between other vaccines. Talk to your puppy’s vet about the safety of vaccines prior to having them administered. If your pet is on medications, has any health issue, has been treated for worms, fleas, or ticks of late, or has had a reaction to vaccines in the past, your vet should seriously consider the ramifications of vaccinating. Also, if your pet is to have any surgical procedure, it is unwise to vaccinate.

Over vaccinating may seriously jeopardize your pet’s autoimmune system and increase the development of chronic disease. It has been found that there is no medical basis to yearly re-vaccinating a dog. Once vaccinated, he may stay immune up to four years or for the rest of his life.

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