Great Health Care System, By Dr Digpal Chauhan – Book Review

Digpal Chauhan amasses an immeasurable amount of data and presents it excellently in his treatise…

Digpal Chauhan amasses an immeasurable amount of data and presents it excellently in his treatise publication Great Health Care System, “Portrait of Principles & Practice.”
As much a primary tool for health care professionals as the PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference), Digpal Chauhan compresses an incomprehensively broad spectrum of data on the health care ecosystem and logically categorizes his work with a clever use of memorable acronyms. Digpal Chauhan modestly does not claim ownership for much of the intellectual property included in his book, as he uses extensive professional accreditations to those that have prior publications and copyrights of some of the material. He does, however have a breviloquent and agreeable presentation skill, thus his book pages as one would imagine attending his seminar.
Simplicity is Digpal Chauhan’s goal. He quotes quite humorously, Albert Einstein, “Everything should be as simple as possible and no simpler.” However in the beauty of creating simplicity, Chauhan finds himself carving off unnecessary detail to reveal the brilliance of truth analogous to the “Mountain of Light,” the Kohinoor diamond. He achieves this brilliance as the reader realizes, page by page, they are reading the solution to the waste and mediocrity of our current health care system, the fundamental statistics of life and disease accumulated by the actuarial research professionals, as well as the summary of health care diagnosis and prognosis of many major chronic conditions. All of this in a mere 188 pages brings to light the brilliance of Digpal Chauhan’s book.
For example, in discussing the underpinnings and professional responsibilities of health care professionals, there are the “10 Commandments” of the principles for medical staff personnel to follow:
Professional competence
Responsibilities of medical profession
Improving quality of care to optimize outcomes
Nurturing relationship with patient (healing, therapeutic, & altruistic)
Care access improvement
Integrity of medical ethics
Privacy of patient welfare and confidentiality
Locus of patient autonomy and honesty with patient
Equity and social Pharmacy As A Career Pdf justice
Scientific knowledge
By the use of scores of these acronyms throughout his book, Digpal Chauhan allows his readers to slow down to their own pace of absorbing the wisdom inherent in the articulation of each of these line items. Thus the book becomes a tool, combing the reader’s thoughts into a direction of clarity, while enabling a creative method for memorization of the incremental steps necessary to achieve the desired result.
As with any healing process, a holistic approach is necessary, and Digpal Chauhan quotes Socrates, “Just as you ought not to attempt to cure eyes without head, or head without body, so you should not treat body without Health Awareness Program soul.” Although leaving off any religious or spiritual guidance from his book, the physical realm is clearly brought to focus, as Digpal Chauhan cares for the living and leaves the rest to a higher power.
I feel the Great Health Care System is a book which should be required reading for all medical professionals, legislators dealing with the United States regulations, hospital management, health insurance professionals, and by those in the public wishing to gain an insider’s look into the core of our system of healing. Frankly, it brought to my own awareness the sobering statistics of certain medical conditions faced by me and by those in my life, as well as the actions that can be taken to minimize the associated health risks.

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