Health Insurance Plan Reform Is Still Divisive

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Obama administration’s healthcare reform legislation is still sparking…

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the Obama administration’s healthcare reform legislation is still sparking a variety of opinions. The organization, which tends to be sympathetic to the law, recently released its final poll before the November midterm elections. It consists of 1,200 adults surveyed in early October.

What were their findings? As expected, opinions continue to be divided. However, the figures have flip-flopped. This is interesting, since the bulk of the law has yet to be implemented. The few features that came into effect in late September (i.e. forbidding health insurers from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions) are generally popular with the American public. The ramping up of political campaigns may be to blame.

Highlights of the poll:

44 percent of the respondents are opposed to the law. This is an increase from 40 percent last month.

42 percent support the legislation, Cdc Public Health Issues down from 49 percent in September.

Just 10 percent of the respondents consider health insurance reform to be the most important issue in the November 2nd elections–jobs and the economy are more pressing concerns for the majority.

However, the most likely voters polled by Kaiser are leaning towards having negative views. Still, they were not found to be significantly likely to base their votes for Congress solely on that issue.

Those against the law have several Dietary Supplement Definition reasons for their opposition:

The federal government receives too much control over health care.

The law costs too much and will add to the budget deficit.

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It is unfair to the middle class, in favor of the poor.

Supporters have their own view. According to them, the most significant benefits are:

That health insurance plan reform will make coverage more affordable.

It is an improvement over the current system.

Previously uninsured people will be able to get health coverage.

The last Kaiser Health Tracking poll prior to the close of the 2010 election season proves that the battle over the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will not end soon.