Overcome Depression Before Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery – 5 Reasons Why

Cosmetic surgery, may it be minor or major, may include a great change in a…

Cosmetic surgery, may it be minor or major, may include a great change in a person’s body or physical appearance. It involves a lot of preparation and should not be done abruptly. For those who have existing problems such as depression, cosmetic surgery may not be the perfect solution for you. It would be wise to seek the doctor’s (especially a psychologist) help and have your depression treated before undergoing cosmetic surgery.
According to a number of researches, a lot of people that go under the knife are actually people who are experiencing depression. Nowadays, plastic surgeons know how to scour among those who want to have cosmetic surgery to identify the person who is suffering from depression. Here are five reasons why depression should be treated before undergoing cosmetic surgery:
1. Cosmetic surgery can even lead What Does Property Insurance Cover to a deeper kind of depression.
Some patients tend to have unrealistic goals and cosmetic surgeons can promise that these goals will be met. This means that when a person does continue with the surgery and doesn’t get what he or she wanted, it would further aggravate the depression problem.
2. Cosmetic surgery may not be the answer to your depression.
Having a slimmer body or a new nose cannot guarantee that a failed marriage can be saved. Yes, it may make the body look better, but it doesn’t alleviate the depression.
3. Cosmetic surgery should be Mental Health Awareness Activities done for the right reasons.
Cosmetic surgery should be carried out to benefit yourself, not for another person’s sake for example you might think that your partner might feel more attracted to you. It will not help if you do not feel comfortable looking at a new person in the mirror.
4. Cosmetic surgery isn’t a substitute for mental health care.
Having surgery isn’t a cure for depression. You need a lot of preparation before taking the surgery. Surgery isn’t similar to going shopping, you can’t buy something and expect to be able to return it.
5. It’s not a great idea to have surgery when you are dealing with a lot of stress in your life.
A popular adage goes “Do not make decisions when you’re angry”. The same goes when you are feeling depressed because your emotions get the better of you. In this case, you might end up regretting your decision in the future and would then spiral down to another, and even greater, kind of depression.
Depression is a real medical condition and it is nothing to be ashamed of. It is important to seek help from a psychologist or therapist. If the psychologist gives you an “all-clear” sign, then that’s the perfect time to have cosmetic surgery. Remember, it’s your body, and not anybody else’s who’s going under the knife.

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