Path 4 to Infidelity – Do You Know Which Communication Mistakes Make You Vulnerable For an Affair?

A report in Men’s Health Magazine is a must read for every man and women…

A report in Men’s Health Magazine is a must read for every man and women who wants to affair-proof your relationship. Find out common communication mistakes that leave men and women vulnerable to an affair. And learn the remedy that strengthens your commitment as you read my summary of this Men’s Health report:
Path #4 To Infidelity: Your Communication Has Too Much Criticism And Conflict
If you’d like to find out how likely you are to cheat, start keeping track Unhealthy Food of the number of your positive and negative communications with your mate.
Researcher and University Of Colorado assistant psychology professor, Elizabeth Allen, Ph.D., studied the communication between engaged couples. She found that couples with more negative communication than positive were more likely to cheat in the early years of their marriage.
What are these negative communications?
Criticizing, scowling, eye rolling, sounding defensive, stonewalling, expressing contempt are behaviors that make men and women vulnerable to an affair.
How do you improve your communication Cure Medical Definition and strengthen commitment?
The Remedy:
The more positive your interactions while you are dating and throughout your marriage, the more you seem to be buffered from risk of an affair, says Dr. Allen.
Whether you’re dating or already married, the goal is to boost your ratios of positive over negative communication. In her study, Dr. Allen observed that saying things like “I agree,” “I understand,” and “good point,” were helpful.
Dr. Allen noted that happy couples can tread into negative territory, but they break themselves out of it quickly.
By acknowledging each others points of view and finding a compromise. The more often couples compromise, smile, nod, express agreement and encouragement, the happier they each will be in their relationship. And the less likely they are to stray.
Will you use more positive communication to spark happiness and commitment in your relationship?

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