Technical Writers Combine Skill With Knowledge For Creative Employment

These days, it seems just about everyone is setting up a blog and writing about…

These days, it seems just about everyone is setting up a blog and writing about anything they want. Some become so successful they even get paid to write, but that’s the exception to the rule. If anything, this has greatly lowered the rates professional writers used to make.
There are two major exceptions to this though, and those are the medical and technical writers. The reason for this is writing about healthcare or the latest scientific trend involves thorough knowledge of the respective fields. Understanding medicine or any scientific field is hard enough for those who work in there. Knowing about as much as the pros and being able to produce materials that are easy enough for anyone to understand is quite a trick in and of itself.
There are two key ways to become a medical or technical writer. The first is to go to be a professional in the medical or technical field already. Just about all these jobs require some sort of report writing to begin with. If a person feels they still don’t have quite the chops to write anything from a training manual to a magazine or newspaper article, they can easily get up to professional standards with some online college courses.
The other way is to go to a college, either online or on campus, and get an appropriate BA degree in Journalism or something similar. Then it’s time to start learning about an applicable second education in a technical or medical field. A good way to start Basics Of Eating Healthy is to find a job as a copy editor at a specialty magazine or text book publisher. They expect you to already know such things as having your verb agree with your subject, and will help explain the difference between a genome from a free floating particle.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 280,000 full time writer and editors in the U.S. Only about 15% of them are technical and medical writers. Over two-thirds of all writers and editors work from home in a freelance capacity. That said, it is estimated technical writers average about $55,000 a year.
While the need for more general professional writers will be slow at best, that is definitely not the case for technical writers. The Bureau Daily Food For Good Health estimates there will be a need for 18% more technical writers over the next decade. This is much greater than the national average.
A key reason for this is the Internet. It has exploded as a work place and is just screaming for good writers and editors to fill its web pages. Compound this with the standard sources of employment such as magazine articles, training manuals and text books, and it’s a wide open market for those who have the knowledge and the skills.

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