Three Tips to Move Your Health Care Team From Being Rudderless to Working on What is Important

As a health care leader are you struggling with how to get your medical team…

As a health care leader are you struggling with how to get your medical team to work together and provide quality patient care? There is no magic bullet. As the team leader you are the role model. Your team looks at your actions and determines whether you practice what you preach. As the leader you set the team environment and culture. The following Chemotherapy Wiki three tips, if implemented, will set you and your team in the right direction to work on what is important. These tips you have probably heard before, but if you are continuing to have difficulty with the team accomplishing objectives, then you need to revisit these suggestions and determine if you are consistently carrying them out.
Tip #1 Set a Dietary Supplement Definition Clear Vision
Individuals and teams want to make a difference and be involved in something greater than themselves. Individuals who enter the medical field want to help heal the sick. Clinical teams want to take care of patients and not be caught up in burdensome paperwork. Does paperwork take precedence over patient care in your work setting? Have you set a vision that quality patient care is the top priority? How do you demonstrate it? Do you acknowledge team members who have gone out of their way to help a patient or team member? Reflect on what the real vision for your team is and how you communicate it. Does your vision inspires?
Tip #2 Set Clear Expectations
Does your team know what is expected of them? Are the expectations fuzzy? If you are not getting the results you want, perhaps your team has different expectations. Have you asked your team what are their roles and how do they fit in the big picture? What is the big picture? Quality patient care? What does quality patient care look like and how do you get there? Have you invited your team to participate in setting up the expectations? When individuals participate in the process, they have a stake in the outcome and you are more likely to get buy-in. In fact, the wisdom of the team can come up with more exact and relevant expectations than an individual.
Tip #3 Measure the Process
There is a saying that what is measured will get done. Therefore you want to set up relevant and specific criteria that can be quantified to access the progress of goal accomplishment. Involve the team in setting up the criteria. Beware of criteria that may be too data intensive that it becomes burdensome and a barrier for individuals to provide input. Regularly discuss the data at meetings with the individuals who are responsible for the process. Do not let the meetings drag into a blame game, but encourage discussion and conversation on how things can be improved. Allowing the team to have input will develop their leadership and analytical skills. Make the process engaging and a positive learning experience.

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