Vaccine Choices – Do You Want to Be Injected With Human Tissue?
Vaccine Choices – Do You Want to Be Injected With Human Tissue?
Receiving a vaccination may now mean getting injected with tissues from another human being because some of them currently include various fetal cell lines from aborted fetuses, human albumen, genetically engineered human albumen and human DNA.
Some people object to this on the face of it – being injected with human fetal tissue in the first place. Others’ protests are based on science, for example, the spike in autism rates when the chicken pox vaccine began containing fetal tissue. Then there are the unknown consequences such as the risk of allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases, and of course, objections based on religious grounds.
The number of vaccines estimated to contain these human cells varies depending on both the source and the number of vaccines taken into account. One estimate suggests that 23 vaccines currently on the market contain these cells.
The following list is offered to support informed choice.
Vaccines that Contain Human Tissue:
Five polio: PolioVax, DT Polio Absorbed, Quadracel (Sanofi) and Pentacel.
Eight Measles, Mumps, Rubella (called tri-valent vaccines): MMR II, Meruvax II, MRVax, ProQuad, MMR-V (Merck) Priorix, Erolalix (GlaxoSmithKline) MMR II, Biovax.
Five Varicella or Chickenpox and Shingles: Varivax, Zostavax (Merck) Varilix (GlaxoSmithKline). ProQuad and MMR-V.
Six Hepatitis A: Havrix, Twinrix (GlaxoSmithKine), Avaxim, Vivaxim, Sanofi), Epaxal (Crucell/Berna) and Vaqta (Merck).
One Rabies: Imovax (Sanofi).
Other Ingredients: A listing of all the various ingredients in vaccines is not possible to acquire. There are two main reasons for this. The first is that manufacturers are not required to report certain ingredients if they exist below a certain threshold.
For example, the cumulative neuro-toxin mercury, contained in Thimerisol which is currently an ingredient in the flu shot, is not required to be reported if below the legal threshold. The other reason is that due to poor checks and balances in the manufacturing process, vaccines may have many contaminants that were not intended to be included in their manufacture, such as other bacteria, for example, a fact some former industry insiders continue to report.
There are many other ingredients contained in vaccines, which means the best strategy is to find out everything that’s in it.
How To Get More Information
As the saying goes, information is power. The better informed you are the better the choices you will be able to make for you and for those dependent on you for their care. An excellent source of information about vaccines can be found in the package inserts. That said, since some ingredients are not required to be reported if below a certain threshold, so even reading the inserts will not tell you everything. You can view some vaccine package inserts where they have been posted on the web by searching for them. You can also find out which ingredients are in any particular vaccine, by undertaking a similar search.
Last, to inform your thinking, you may want to know what Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center, says about vaccinations and their safety. She has spent her entire career studying and researching the subject. Here is her conclusion:
“If vaccines are safe and effective for everyone, then those, who choose to get vaccinated should have nothing to fear from those who choose not to get vaccinated. If vaccines are not safe and effective for everyone, then it is unethical to require anyone to get vaccinated without their voluntary, informed consent.”