What is HIPAA? – (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

HIPAA is the short form for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This Act was…

HIPAA is the short form for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This Act was enacted by U.S congress in 1996. This law was passed to bring into effect a system by which patient privacy is protected and that all health information related to a patient is kept confidential.
As someone under health care insurance, HIPAA give legal protection to your private health information. This means you have right over your personal health information. It also lays down rules for who can access such personal information.
When you visit a health care provider, you would have to sign a HIPAA agreement. This agreement states that the person who signs it should be given the Notice of Privacy Practices statement. This statement specifies how healthcare providers can make use of your personal medical information, What Is Dental Insurance when they can make use of it and who they can give this information. You have the right to access your personal health safety information hen ever you feel you want to view it and you also have the right to know the person to whom your health care information was divulged.
If you visit the same facility often, you would have to sign the agreement just once. However, it should be noted that you might have to sign the agreement for every visit in different facilities. HIPAA empowers you to see your records at any time and for you to get copies of them. It also empowers you to make corrections that you feel is necessary to your records.
This law makes it mandatory for all U.S health care providers and health organizations to comply with its specified regulations. Only small health organizations are exempted from this law. Its provisions seek to Health Administrator Jobs make the health care system more simple and also enhancing patient security. If all health protection providers implement its regulation, it is possible to save nine billion dollars in health care expenses.

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